Cell- The Unit of Life

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Friday, May 30, 2008

The advertising Petals!

Objective: To learn about the parts of a flower.

Materials Required: Flower of Hibiscus (china rose), rose, balsam, salvia etc.

Procedure: Observe the flower and read the clues to the crossword puzzle to identify the parts of a flower.

1. I am green in colour,
for the bud I am the protective cover!

2. Most eye-catching in plants,
Pluck me if you want!

3. The butterflies carry it,
The bees ferry it,
It is not merely a carriage
It is much more a marriage (between two flowers)

4.Little stalks with swollen tops!

5. I attract the butterfly and the bee,
The flower is attractive because of me!

6. Before I turn into mango, orange and apples on the tree,
Peep into the flower and see me.

7. I form the seed that grow into plants and trees,
If you could peep into the ovary, you would see me.

8. The swollen tips of the stalks,
I produce some powder that is not for you folks.

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